Monday, December 19, 2011

Learning more about this experience

Kermit and I are reading everything we can get our hands on about the trip. I just finished a nice book by Bruce Armstrong, Coming Full Circle.  Kermit has read several others. He picked up some maps of the Erie Canal when he visited the Hudson Valley for business last week. We just ordered another book with a spiral binding that shows what to see and what to expect on every single day of someone else's trip. 

We are learning that the trip will actually be kind of quiet. Most people spend a lot of time on their own, only running into other people at marinas on weekends. Most people anchor out in coves at night. We hear a lot about wildlife and birds. Most people travel only about 30 miles a day on average, only a few hours a day, leaving plenty of time for sightseeing and side trips. 

There are plenty of pools going on around us. When will we have our first fight (sorry, already happened!), when will I end up in the water, when will I end up in the dinghy at the end of 75 feet of line, when will Kermit break something, and so on. It is fun! But actually, we are very excited. We haven't been arguing much. We each have a job to do associated with the trip and we seem to be figuring out how to make it happen. 

I can't believe we are actually doing this. It seems completely unlike me not to know exactly what will happen every single minute. But letting go is part of the fun. 

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