Monday, June 18, 2012

Getting started means starting to say good-bye

It is hard to imagine that in 3 weeks, 22 days to be exact, we are leaving for 15 months! Getting started means stepping off the dock. It also means leaving our friends. We are saying good bye a lot lately.
Good Karma at Maumee Bay in 2011

We had a marvelous time at Dan and Marilyn's house on Friday night with John and Judy, Pete and Terri, and Steve and Kathy. We chatted and joked and wondered about the trip. They generously supplied us with Kindle gift certificates and wine, both of which we will use frequently. Some are planning to join us on a piece of the trip. I think we will see Dan and Marilyn in upper Michigan on the Lake Michigan side in August and maybe again in the Bahamas. Maybe Pete and Terri in Michigan too!

We would love to stop in and see friends along the way. Drop us a note if you want us to call when we get your way!


  1. Hi Larry, We are scheduled to leave on Friday morning 7/13 but we are targeting 7/12 because we want to be completely ready that day. A nice cocktail on a fully prepared boat will be just the breathe we need to leave on a positive note. Keep your fingers crossed!
