Friday, August 17, 2012

Petosky MI best place yet

Such a beautiful place...

 We traveled by bike from Petosky to Bay Harbor MI.  It is about a 3 mile trip on a bike path right along the Little Traverse By. Technically it is still in Petosky. We traveled with two other couples we met in Harbor Springs and again in Petosky. This is Diana and Ron with Kermit. They are from Holland MI, about our age. Diana is formerly from Chicago area. Her brother, Bob, and Sally are also biking with us but not in this picture. Sally is a recruiter! So we found a lot to talk about. Perhaps we can collaborate in the future! She specializes in actuaries, kind of a niche.She has a colleague who preps candidates who might be someone we should connect with. I need to talk to Dan about this! You  never know who you will meet, isn't that true...

 Katherine on the road. It was quite breezy so everyone wore jackets. I really wish I had a different jacket. I am not prepared for such cool weather so quickly in the season...

 What a view.... It is pretty shallow for quiet a while. People were on the shore looking for Petosky stones with these round little fossils. 

 This is Bay Harbor MI. It is man-made out of an old quarry. Lots of big boats. You can see them on this picture better. 

 This is us at the Knot Just a Bar in Bay Harbor MI. Really a lovely marina and a lovely day. We were with new friends Sally and Bob, and Diana and Ron. We really must get better at taking pictures because we don't have a picture of them.... oh well we have their phone numbrs and email addresses.


  1. Hey K and K,
    Weather Channel was predicting waterspouts over Lake Michigan today (Sunday). Have you seen anything like that?
    Dave Hoecker

  2. On my computer the picture of a person on a bike is upside down. Is that because you are in the Upper Pen and everything is upside down?

